How community foundations are supporting the resettlement of Afghanistan's refugees in the UK

The speed in which events unfolded in Afghanistan at the end of August 2021 shocked the world. Our network has been working at a national and a local level to offer our support throughout the UK to the thousands of refugees who are in the process of resettlement.

We observed the shocking crisis unfolding recently in Afghanistan with great concern towards the individuals and families involved.  With the UK Government announcing it will be welcoming 20,000 refugees from Afghanistan in the coming years, support will be needed now and in the long term.

At a national level, UKCF is in contact with Government, National Foundations and the VCSEP (Voluntary and Community Sector Emergency Partnership) to see where we can help.  At a local level, community foundations are actively engaged with local organisations, charities, Local Authorities and Local Resilience Forums.

As was the case during the Syrian crisis in recent years, our network continues to work closely with these local partners to identify issues and provide support where it’s needed for people who have been forced to flee Afghanistan and other unsafe locations.

The funding to local organisations will be varied depending on local need, in the form of short-term care like family support and medical needs, and longer-term action such as developing employability and language skills and helping people’s social inclusion. 


Take a look at some of the support being provided by community foundations:


Bedfordshire and Luton Community Foundation has launched an appeal on Total Giving to support services being provided by nearby organisations and groups to Afghan refugees.

Cumbria Community Foundation's Welcome Fund provides grants to address the hardship for refugees and asylums in the area and is applicable to individuals and organisations. 

Heart of Bucks has launched an appeal to support Afghan refugees in Buckinghamshire, working closely with Buckinghamshire Council and other local partners.

Hertfordshire Community Foundation has launched an appeal to support Afghan refugees in Hertfordshire, working with Hertfordshire County Council and other VCSE groups.

Lincolnshire Community Foundation has launched an appeal on Total Giving to support the costs of removing language barriers, essential living expenses, advice and support, access to local activities, and more. 

The London Community Foundation has been working with the Mayor of London, London Councils and charitable funders to launch the London Refugee Response to provide support for Afghan refugees in the city.

Milton Keynes Community Foundation and Milton Keynes Council have partnered up to deliver an appeal to ease the hardship, isolation and settlement caused directly or indirectly by the Afghan Crisis for refugees planning to settle in Milton Keynes.

Oxfordshire Community Foundation is engaging with local community groups to work together on a support plan for refugee settlements.

Community Foundation for Staffordshire has set up a JustGiving page in partnership with Staffordshire County Council to buy essential items for the Afghan families who have fled and are now being resettled in Staffordshire.

Community Foundation for Surrey has directed part of its Surrey Community Fund towards the support and implementation of services for Afghan refugees in Surrey.


We will continue tracking the guidance from the Home Office, regarding its resettlement scheme, and collaborating with organisations that want to help – at a local and national level – to help refugees rebuild their lives.

If you or your organisation would like to find out how you can support local causes in your area, or if you are looking for support for a project or cause, you can find your nearest community foundation here.

If you or your organisation would like to get involved in local giving on a national scale, then please contact Jon Everett.

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