Together 23 Event - Philanthropy Forward: Navigating the Future

Where would society be without philanthropy? Together 23 will look at where we are, where we need to be and how we can navigate the path of philanthropy to collectively tackle systemic inequality.

Virtual conference to be hosted by UKCF


UKCF's virtual conference will be open to all community foundation staff, trustees and volunteers in the UKCF network.  Additionally, this year we are delighted to be opening up the conference to other trusts, foundations and organisations working in philanthropy, both in the UK and overseas!

Together 23, spread over Wednesday 18th and Thursday 19th October 2023, will look at where we are, where we need to be and how we can navigate the path of philanthropy to collectively tackle systemic inequality.


Topics will include:

→ Transforming philanthropy

→ Inspiring stories of community-based philanthropy

→ Our role in the ecosystem of philanthropy

→ Deploying capital for social change

→ The value and need for philanthropic advice

→ A philanthropist's story


In the last few years, the world has changed significantly, as have the challenges it faces. But this is not new for field of philanthropy. 

Historically, philanthropy has been used as a valuable tool to amplify the voices of communities that are often marginalised or overlooked in society. 


In past centuries and in the present day, community-led groups and charities have been instrumental in improving human rights, rooting out systemic inequalities and acting on emerging threats like climate change.  This progress has been driven by the hard work and dedication of community-led groups, charities and individuals, and shows what can be achieved through determined civil action.

The pandemic highlighted the importance of community-led groups and charities in responding to crises and subsequent aftermaths.  These groups have continued to be a vital presence on the front line of local response, providing essential services to diverse communities hit hardest by issues like inflation, loneliness, fuel and food poverty, and poor mental health. 

Over the past several months alone, our network has worked with some fantastic philanthropic partners that have felt passionately about addressing some of these issues.  Cellnex UK has worked with community foundations to help reduce digital isolation in Manchester and across London;  DCMS (Department for Culture, Media and Sport) has been involved in UKCF projects across England that are helping to reduce loneliness and connect communities through volunteering;  British Red Cross and M&G are among other organisations that have supported our UK-wide Communities in Crisis Appeal throughout the year, while community foundations raised £13 million through local appeals.  All of this funding has been directed at the incredible work happening at a local level to drive positive change.

At a time when the world is facing unprecedented hardships, philanthropy has never been more important. 


Philanthropy plays a crucial role in supporting big leaps forward in society.  It provides funding, expertise, resources and networks that empower people and organisations to drive change from the ground up.  Furthermore, it can serve as a bridge to building new relationships and networks that are sustainable and long-lasting.

To explore the future of philanthropy, we invite you to join us at Together 23.

Learn more and book your place here

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